
28th March, 2015 – Vigil Mass – (Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord)


Times of Mass and Devotions

HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash GU12 6LU   HF = Holy Family Church, Farnham GU9 0LH

Sat  28 Mar   5.30pm HA Vigil Mass   Special Intentions of Sharon Ford Dine
Sun 29 Mar   9.15am HF Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord  Special Intentions for the people of the Parishes
  11.00am HA    Alex Moore (RIP)
Mon 30 Mar   9.30am HA Monday of Holy Week  
Tue 31 Mar   9.30am HF Tuesday of Holy Week  
Wed 1  Apr   9.30am HA  Spy Wednesday  
Thu 2 Apr   9.30am HF  Morning Prayer & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament  


HA Mass of the Last Supper  
Fri  3 Apr  3.00pm
Liturgy of the Passion
Stations of the Cross
Sat 4 Apr

Vigil and First Mass of Easter  
Sun 5 Apr   9.15am
Sunday Mass of Easter
   11.00am  HA  Sunday Mass of Easter


Collections for 22nd March, 2015

Holy Angels Offertory:                                      £326.15
Easter Flower collection:                                 £150.00
Holy Family Offertory:                                      £160.00
Easter Flower collection:                                 £100.60



Our New Bishop: Our new Bishop, Richard Moth currently Bishop of the Forces as the fifth Bishop of Arundel & Brighton will be installed as Bishop on 28th May 2015 which marks the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Diocese. He will then preside as Bishop at the Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving on 5th July at the Amex Stadium in Brighton.
For more information and the News Release on the Bishop go to the Diocesan website. Let us give thanks for our new Bishop and keep him in our prayers.


Easter Services

Maundy Thursday – 2nd April, 2015

Holy Family: 9.30am – Morning Prayer & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Holy Angels: 7.30pm – Mass of the Last Supper

Good Friday – 3rd April 2015
Holy Angels:
Children’s Way of the Cross: 9.15am
Walk of Witness: 10am from St. Peter’s Church, Ash Holy Angels: 3.00pm
– Liturgy of the Passion
Holy Family: 7.00pm – Stations of the Cross

Easter Vigil – Saturday 4th April, 2015
Holy Angels: 9.30am – Office of Readings
Holy Angels: 8.30pm – Vigil and Mass of Easter

Easter Sunday – 5th April, 2015

Holy Family:   9.15am – Mass of Easter children’s Mass
Holy Angels: 11.00am – Sunday Mass of Easter

Confessions: During Holy week Father Robin will happily hear confessions before and after all services for anyone who has not yet had a chance to make their reconciliation before Easter.

Holy Week is the heart of the Christian year in which we come face to face with the mystery of our salvation particularly in the liturgies of the Triduum, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. This year it is the turn of Holy Angels Church to host the Triduum for both parishes, but it is one of the important times when we are asked to come together as sister parishes for this celebration.

Mandy Thursday (Foot washing) Thank you to those parishioners who have already put their name down on the list to have their feet washed, but we still need a few more please.

A & B Diocesan Golden Jubilee – Sunday 5th July

Due to limited parking, we intend to lay on coaches for people to travel to the event. A list is available at the back of both Churches for people to sign if they are wishing to travel by coach. Please sign the form as early as possible as we need to book the coaches well in advance of this event. With thanks.

Rosaries Abroad: Please see the Poster at the back of both Churches regarding this Request. [A box will be available at the back of both Churches for this purpose]. Thank you



Baptism forms are available at the back of both Churches. You will need to attend an evening’s course. Please return your completed Baptism Form to Deacon John Edwards so that you can be included in the Baptism Course.



Prayers for the sick: Deacon David Morgan, Newton Abrew, Connie Tewkesbury, Jane Brown and Sharon (sister of Marian Grannell) Tina Coleman, Carole Appleton and Louise. Thank you.


Holy Angels

200 Club Winners (February 2015 Draw)

1st Prize           Ticket No.        230       Mr. B. Hussey
2nd Prize           Ticket No: 135  Mrs. G. Benson
(Joint prize)     Ticket No: 23    Mrs. M. Grannell

Tea, Coffee and Biscuits: There will be tea, coffee and biscuits after Mass TODAY and thanks to the generosity of our new volunteers it is hoped to have Coffee and biscuits after every Sunday 11.00am Mass.


Holy Family

Farnham Good Friday Walk of Witness: To Assemble at the top of The Hart at 11.45am on 3rd April 2015 for a silent procession through the streets of Farnham ending with prayers and a hymn at St Andrew’s Church. Participants are invited to carry a palm or other small cross.

Prayer Group: takes place once a month on a Tuesday in the Parish Office at Holy Angels Church at 7.30pm for a 7.45pm start.
Next meeting: 14th April and 12th May, 20


Egeria’s account of Palm Sunday in Jerusalem at the end of the 4th Century

Palm Sunday: Services in the Churches: On the next day, that is, the Lord’s Day, which begins the Paschal week, and which they call here the Great Week, when all the customary services from cockcrow until morning have taken place in the Anastasis and at the Cross, they proceed on the morning of the Lord’s Day according to custom to the greater church, which is called the martyrium. It is called the martyrium because it is in Golgotha behind the Cross, where the Lord suffered.

When all that is customary has been observed in the great church, and before the dismissal is made, the archdeacon lifts his voice and says first: ” Throughout the whole week, beginning from to-morrow, let us all assemble in the martyrium, that is, in the great church, at the ninth hour.” Then he lifts his voice again, saying: ” Let us all be ready to-day in Eleona at the seventh hour.”

So when the dismissal has been made in the great church! that is, the martyrium, the bishop is escorted with hymns to the Anastasis, and after all things that are customary on the Lord’s Day have been done there, after the dismissal from the martyrium, every one hastens home to eat, that all may be ready at the beginning of the seventh hour in the church in Eleona, on the Mount of Olives, where is the cave in which the Lord was wont to teach.

Procession with Palms on the Mount of Olives: Accordingly at the seventh hour all the people go up to the Mount of Olives, that is, to Eleona, and the bishop with them, to the church, where hymns and antiphons suitable to the day and to the place are said, and lessons in like manner. And when the ninth hour approaches they go up with hymns to the Imbomon, that is, to the place whence the Lord ascended into heaven, and there they sit down, for all the people are always bidden to sit when the bishop is present; the deacons alone always stand. Hymns and antiphons suitable to the day and to the place are said, interspersed with lections and prayers.

And as the eleventh hour approaches, the passage from the Gospel is read, where the children, carrying branches and palms, met the Lord, saying; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, and the bishop immediately rises, and all the people with him, and they all go on foot from the top of the Mount of Olives, all the people going before him with hymns and antiphons, answering one to another: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

And all the children in the neighborhood, even those who are too young to walk, are carried by their parents on their shoulders, all of them bearing branches, some of palms and some of olives, and thus the bishop is escorted in the same manner as the Lord was of old.

For all, even those of rank, both matrons and men, accompany the bishop all the way on foot in this manner, making these responses, from the top of the mount to the city, and thence through the whole city to the Anastasis, going very slowly lest the people should be wearied; and thus they arrive at the Anastasis at a late hour. And on arriving, although it is late, lucernare takes place, with prayer at the Cross; after which the people are dismissed.