18th April, 2015 – Vigil Mass (Third Sunday of Easter)

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Times of Mass and Devotions

HA = Holy Angels Church, Ash GU12 6LU   HF = Holy Family Church, Farnham GU9 0LH

Sat  18 Apr   5.30pm HA Vigil Mass  Special Intentions of the people of the Parishes
Sun 19 Apr   9.15am HF Third Sunday of Easter  Special Intentions
  11.00am HA    Elizabeth Morris (RIP)
Mon 20 Apr     NO MASS  
Tue 21 Apr   9.30am HF Tuesday after the Third Sunday of Easter  Joan Packwood (RIP)
Wed 22  Apr   9.30am HA Wednesday after the Third Sunday of Easter  
Thu 23 Apr   6.15pm HF  Adoration  


HF Thursday after theThird Sunday of Easter  
Fri  24 Apr  10.00am HA Friday after the Third Sunday of Easter  St. Adalbert of Prague
Sat 25 Apr

Vigil Mass Mary & Newton Abrew In Thanksgiving
Sun 26 Apr 9.15am



Fourth Sunday of Easter
Baptism of Charlotte Graham-Willson
Special Intentions
Shirley Lavelle  (RIP)



Holy Angels:

Easter Offerings:                                              £1,032.76
Holy Places:                                                       £   203.97

Holy Family:

Easter Offerings:                                              £1,065.00

Collection for 12th April, 2015

Holy Angels Offertory:                                 £304.83
Standing Orders for March:                      £846.00

Holy Family:                                                   £154.31                        




Prayer Group: takes place once a month on a Tuesday in the Parish Office at Holy Angels Church at 7.30pm for a 7.45pm start.
Next meeting: 12th May, 2015

A & B Diocesan Golden Jubilee – Sunday 5th July Coaches will be provided for this event. A list is available at the back of both Churches for people to sign if they are wishing to travel by coach. Please sign the form as early as possible as we need to book the coaches well in advance of this event. With thanks.




Prayers for the sick: Deacon David Morgan, Newton Abrew, Connie Tewkesbury, Jane Brown and Sharon (sister of Marian Grannell) Tina Coleman, Carole Appleton and Louise. Thank you.



Baptism forms are available at the back of both Churches. Parents will need to attend an evening Baptism course. Please return your completed Baptism Form to Deacon John Edwards so that you can be included in the next Course.


Holy Angels

Children’s Liturgy and Coffee and Tea

Please note that this Sunday there will be Children’s Liturgy and also Coffee, Tea and biscuits will be provided after the 11am Mass.


Churches Together Teas

If you have some free time this Sunday and fancy some company for a chat over a cup of tea and cakes, then why not join us at Holy Angels at 3pm until 4.30pm.

Picture Sale

Father David left behind a number of pictures. Rather than simply dispose of them it may well be that members of the parish might like one as a memento of their Priest. The pictures will be available on the 3rd May which is also the first Sunday in the month when there will also be Coffee and Tea provided. (If there is something that you would like a donation towards Church Funds would be appreciated)


Holy Family

Holy Family Annual Meeting:

Will take place on Thursday 30th April after the 7:30 pm Mass. Reports will be circulated beforehand. If there are any suggestions you would like discussed please give them to Deacon John or Florence Graham. This will be an opportunity to offer Fr. Robin your ideas for the future of our Parish. Next year we will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of our church, any thoughts on how to celebrate this also welcome.


Saint Adalbert of Prague

Saint Adalbert of Prague was Archbishop and missionary to the Poles, also called the “Apostle of Prussia.” Born into a noble family in Bohemia, Adalbert studied with St. Adalbert of Magdeburg and received his name at confirmation, his own having been Wojtech or Voytiekh. He was named the bishop of Prague in 982, but he left the city in 990, going to Rome His efforts to reform the clergy in Prague had made him many enemies. Pope John XV (r.985-996) re-leased him from his Episcopal duties, and he retired to a Benedictine monastery in Rome. Duke Boleslav I of Poland (r.992-1025) and the citizens of Prague petitioned the Pope for Adalbert’s return to the city and he once again took up his role as bishop. The peace did not last long, however, as Adalbert became involved in a serious matter concerning the right of sanctuary. A noblewoman accused of adultery reached sanctuary in a church (a custom of the time that allowed accused individuals to be free of punishment or peril if they remained near the altar of the church). The nobles of Prague dragged the woman out of the church and slew her, receiving excommunication from Adalbert as a result. He had to leave Prague a second time because of his stern rebuke to his people. After a period of monastic retreat and political unrest in Prague, Adalbert went to Pomerania and Hungary. It is believed the he baptized King Geza (r.972-997) and King St. Stephen (r.997-1038). As archbishop of Gnessen, Adalbert converted many Poles. In time, he went on a mission to what is now modern Prussia. There he was killed by pagan priests, along with his companions, Benedict and Gaudentius. Boleslav I, prince of Poland, ransomed Adalbert’s body for an equivalent weight in gold. He was buried in Gniezno Cathedral, where he had been ordained. In 1000, Holy Roman Emperor Otto III (r.994-1002) made a pilgrimage to Adalbert’s shrine. In 1039, his relics were taken from the cathedral as part of war booty. His body was transferred to St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague. Adalbert is traditionally credited with being the author of Boga-Rodzica, a song that inspires the Poles on their way into battle. The patron saint of Bohemia, Silesia, Poland, Hungary, Germany, and Italy. Feast day: April 23rd.


St. Teresa of Avila

 This year is the 500th Anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila. She was born on the 28th March,1515. Since the actual anniversary fell just before Holy Week this year it wasn’t remembered then but this is a good time to give thanks for her life and for the great teaching of prayer that she gave to the Church. If you haven’t read any of her writings this might be a good time to do so.

Prayer to Saint Teresa of Avila

Saint Teresa of Jesus, holy mother,
wholehearted servant of love,
teach us to walk with determined fidelity
along the path of interior prayer,
attentive to the presence
of the Blessed Trinity,
God dwelling deep within us.
At the school of Mary our Mother,
strengthen within us these foundations:
a genuine humility,
a heart free from attachment,
and an unconditional love for others.
Share with us your intense
apostolic love for the Church.
May Jesus be our joy,
our hope and energy,
an unquenchable fountain,
and our most intimate Friend.
Bless our Carmelite family.
Teach us to make your prayer our own:
“I am yours; I was born for you.
What is your will for me?” Amen.